Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Angels And Demons

The intrigueful suspense begins almost immediately in this novel, with much foreshadowing present. The passage on page 43 begins the foreshadowing with "... Langdon's voice was grim. 'Mr. Kohler, I do not know how this marking appeared on this man's chest...or why...but you are looking at the long lost symbol of the world's oldest and most powerful satanic cult."
The novel's plotline moves quickly and takes many swift twists and turns, often almost contradicting itself at times. This can be taken for a symbol representing the general chaos of life itself, but it could also just be a skillful hook in the book itself. There is also the neverending conflict between science and religion, which touches us all in different ways. The puzzles and mysteries Dr. Langdon has to solve could represent the challenges everyone has to face in this life. The idea of technology attemting to usurp religion throws insightful new ideas into the face of modern culture, where even the faithful would be lost without technology. On a very base level, this novel was written entirely for the enjoyment of the readed, but buried deep is the authors views on life and society, good and evil, religion and science, angels and demons.
To conclude, while the author may not have even intended to put any real deep meaning within the story, it is possible to pick it out, if you pay attention.